Butter Cake

Butter cake
8" round pan

Ingredients A:
250g Butter (Used 230g)
140g Sugar (Used 130g)
3 eggs

Ingredient B:
250g All purpose flour (sifted)
2 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Baking soda
1/4 tsp Salt (Omit if using salted butter)

Ingredient C:
150g Butter milk (1 tbsp vinegar + milk)

1. Cream butter and sugar until pale white.
2. Add one egg at a time and mix to combine.
3. Add ingredient B and buttermilk alternatively.
4. Using a spatula to fold to combine. Do not over mixed.
5. Top with some cranberries and almond flakes.
6. Bake at 180C for 25 to 30 minutes or until insert a stick comes out clean.

Chocolate Devil Cake

Chocolate Devil Cake (So moist)
For 9" round pan / 20 cupcakes

240g  Cake flour
1 tsp  Baking powder
2 tsp  baking soda
90g    Cocoa powder
1 tsp  Salt
300g  Sugar
240ml Hot coffee ( 1 tbsp Instant coffee + hot water)
240ml Canola oil
240ml Buttermilk (1 tbsp Vinegar + milk )
2pc     Egg
1 tsp   Vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 165C.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together dry ingredients.
3. Add coffee, oil and buttermilk and mix until combined.
4. Add eggs and vanilla and mix for another 2 minutes.
5. Bake for 30 minutes.
Let it cool in pans until warm and then remove it and allow to cool completely on cooling rack.

Chocolate cake

Chocolate Cake
For 8" round pan / 18 pcs cupcakes
260g Plain Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tsp Baking Soda
60g Cocoa Powder
1 tsp Salt
300-350g Fine Sugar (I used 250g)
200ml Hot Coffee (or 1 tsp Nescafe + Hot Water)
200ml Vegetable Oil
200ml Buttermilk (or 1 tbsp White Vinegar + Full Cream Milk)
2 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Extract


1. Preheat oven to 165°C for cakes or 175°C for cupcakes. 

2. In a large bowl whisk together dry ingredients.

3. In a measuring jug, mix buttermilk, oil, eggs and vanilla extract. Pour into dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Add hot coffee and mix until fully combined. Batter should be very runny.
4. Pour batter into prepared pan. And bake cake for 30 minutes or cupcakes for 20 minutes.
5. Remove from oven. Let your cakes cool completely in the pan before unmoulding.

200g Dark Chocolate Compound (melted,1 min in microwave)
1 (170g) can of Nestlé Cream (or any other brand) at room temperature

1. Whisk these two together and let it stand in room temp for 2 hours. To speed up process, place in the fridge while the cake is baking (stirring every 15 mins).
2. Spread over cake... or pipe to your heart's content. Then stare and marvel at how the ganache designs stays and doesn't melt for hours and hours.
Recipe adapted from Munira Bamadhaj 

Macau Style Portuguese Egg Tarts (葡式蛋挞)

*This recipe yields approx. 12-14 tarts
*Butter dough:
1 cup (130g) All-purpose flour
1 3/4 stick (which also equals 3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp) (165g) cold, unsalted butter

*Water dough:
1 cup (130g) All-purpose flour
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup (60ml) cold water

For butter dough
1. Mix together the ingredients into dough, wrap with plastic wrap and form squre after that refrigerate for 15 minutes.

For water dough
1.  Mix together the ingredients into dough.

For the Puff Pastry
1.  Wrap the butter dough with the water dough, roll the pastry and fold it into 3 layers and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
2.  For 2nd fold, Take out the pastry from the fridge, roll the pastry and fold it into 4 layers and refrigerate for 15 minutes.  
3.  For the last fold,Take out the pastry from the fridge, roll the pastry and fold it into 4 layers and refrigerate for 15 minutes.  

*Puff pastry method: 3x4x4
Recipe for 9-10 tarts

For Filling
60g Dairy cream, 35% fat 
60g Sugar (I used 40g)
2 Egg yolks
1Tbsp Cornflour
260g Full fat fresh milk
1/2tsp Vanilla extract
9-10 frozen puff pastry shells 

1. To make custard filling, whisk cream, sugar, egg yolks, milk and cornflour till smooth.
2. Stir over medium-low heat till thick enough to coat pot thinly (or metal spoon if using non-stick pot).
3. Place pot in water-bath. Add vanilla extract. Stir till mixture is half-cool. Leave to cool completely. 
4. Preheat oven to 250C fro approx 20-25 minutes (cook until crust is golden brown). Line baking tray with aluminium foil, shiny side up.

*Store the egg tarts in the refrigerator & best to eat while HOT! Reheat at 200C for 5-7 minutes.