Zebra Strips Chiffon Cake

Zebra Strips Chiffon Cake
6 inch

Low Protein Flour    60g
Icing Sugar              60g
Milk                          50ml
Eggs                        3pcs  ( Separate egg yolks and egg white )
Vegetable Oil           40ml
Cocoa Powder         15g
Warm Water             15ml
Baking Powder         1tsp
Vanilla essence        1/2tsp (optional)

  1. Put egg yolk , milk, corn oil in a bowl, whisk and set aside.
  2. Add sieve flour, baking powder, mix well .
  3. The powdered sugar add three times to the egg white ( first when foaming, second when more delicate, third time adding when see the lines ) , whisk until still peak.
  4. Divide the egg white into three portions portions and add into the egg yolks batter.
  5. Divide the combine batter into two portions , one adding cocoa powder.
  6. Put a tablespoon of plain batter on the pan in the middle , and then the second tablespoon cocoa flavor batter on top. Repeat the same operation until the batter into the finish .
  7. The pan gently knocked .
  8. In preheated oven 160 degrees for 25 minutes.
  9. Remove the cake from the oven and upside down straight cool.

Indonesian Layer Cake

Recipe  from Diana's Desserts

Indonesian Layer Cake
17cm (7-inch) square cake tin

7 egg yolks
150g caster sugar (superfine or granulated sugar)
1 tsp vanilla essence or extract
150g butter, softened at room temperature
1 tbsp brandy
90g plain flour (all-purpose flour)
1 tsp. mixed spice (pumpkin pie spice may be substituted for the mixed spice)
7 egg whites

  1. Grease the base and sides of a 17cm (7-inch) square cake tin and line base with greased grease proof paper (baking paper or parchment paper).
  2. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla essence until creamy. Beat in softened butter and brandy and stir in flour and mixed spice.
  3. Whisk egg whites until just stiff. Pour egg yolk mixture into egg whites and fold gently.
  4. Heat grill (or broiler in top part of oven) to moderate temperature (180 degrees C/350 degrees F) and place the prepared tin under grill (broiler in top part of oven) for 1 minute. Remove the tin from grill (broiler) and put in a ladle full (1/2 to 1 cup) of batter. Spread batter evenly by tilting tin, and grill (brown under broiler) for 5 minutes, or until lightly brown. Repeat until batter is used up.
  5. Turn out and cool on a wire rack. Cut the cake only when it is completely cooled.

Makes 1 (7-inch) layer cake.

Whipping Cream Pound Cake

Recipe adapted from Bakericious

Ingredients: (for 9" x 5" cake pan)
113g quality unsalted butter, room temperature
145g Hong Kong flour, sifted (I used cake flour)
1/2 tsp salt
225g caster sugar (I reduced to 140g)
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
240ml quality heavy whipping cream


  1. In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar together till light and fluffy.
  2. Sift the cake flour and salt together and set aside for use later.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 and grease a loaf pan (9" by 5") and line with parchment. (I used 160) 
  4. Whip the heavy whipping cream until firm and set aside for use later.
  5. Add egg into the butter mixture one at a time and mix well before adding in another. 
  6. Add vanilla extract and mix well again. Then add 1/4 of the cake flour in and mix well. Now add in 1/3 of the whipping cream and mix. Repeat this, alternating flour and cream till all is mixed in.
  7. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and place in the oven to bake. Bake for at least 25 minutes or till the tester comes out with moist crumbs. DO NOT over bake as it will make the cake slightly dry.



香港面粉    150g 
糖浆             90g
碱水            1 tsp
花生油          40g



  1. 糖浆加碱水搅均,加入油快速地搅拌至糖浆稍微浅色,即为均匀。
  2. 然后将(1)倒入面粉中,用刮刀拌均匀至成为一个软团为止。
  3. 用保鲜膜盖住让面团醒面,放约一个小时。
  4. 一个小时后,如果面团黏手就加入适量的面粉,捏成不黏手为止。
  5. 把面团分成5-50g,馅料-50g放太少我怕猪肥不起来。
  6. 剩余的面团准备小猪的耳朵,鼻子和尾巴。
  7. 将馅料包入面团中,用朔胶袋纸隔着搓成一个鸡蛋形。
  8. 1/8的量匙印出两个眼眶,再用竹签画出小猪的轮廓,然后分别贴上眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,尾巴等等。
  9. 造型好的小猪,我就直接送入已预热的烤箱。
  10. 我以180度烘烤10分钟拿出,待凉(约10~15分钟),过后把小猪的身体涂上蛋液,然后再度送入烤箱烤约10分钟或饼皮上色即可。